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Crisis – a risk managers perspective

Crisis – a risk managers perspective

With most of us now working from home we’ve all been finding new and better ways to communicate.  As part of this we’ve given our team the opportunity to contribute to our blog on any topic they want.  We thought we’d start sharing some of these with clients.  This...
Government & HMRC updates

Government & HMRC updates

Government updates Guidance for UK businesses trading internationally. See:… Providing apprenticeships during the coronavirus outbreak Guidance for apprentices, employers, training...
COVID-19: Personal affairs guide

COVID-19: Personal affairs guide

Overview This is a guide for families and individuals on how to financially survive or manage through the Pandemic. It is a tough time for many of us and the idea of this guide is to help people who may have reduced employment income and increased uncertainty about...
Pivoting and repurposing a business

Pivoting and repurposing a business

Overview Covid-19 has had a big impact on many SMEs in the UK. A recent study by the Office for National Statistics showed that nearly 40% of businesses in the UK had a substantially lower turnover. With the current level of disruption likely to remain for some time,...
Coronavirus: MOTs due from 30 March 2020

Coronavirus: MOTs due from 30 March 2020

Your car, van or motorcycle’s MOT expiry date will be extended by 6 months if it is due on or after 30 March 2020 – but you must keep your vehicle safe to drive. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has confirmed that MOT expiry dates will be extended...