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The Mini Budget – driving investment or fuelling inflation?

There will be lots of polarised debate and discussion on the Government’s tax cutting mini budget, that was anything but mini.  There will be those who view it favourably, and there will be those who are disgruntled. We want to take a slightly different approach and...
What’s Happening in Markets?

What’s Happening in Markets?

It is worth understanding the three main forces in financial markets:  economic fundamentals, technical trading, and sentiment.  At the beginning of last week all three of these aligned to send the pound briefly to historic lows. Economic fundamentals, which tend to...
A week is a long time in politics…

A week is a long time in politics…

Given the many political and market events of the past week it is difficult to know where to start. It may be useful to look at the UK economy as an overinflated balloon. The balloon has been reduced in size by Covid, demographics, people leaving the workforce and...
Does your company have a shareholders agreement?

Does your company have a shareholders agreement?

For limited companies, when it comes to making decisions, company law states that shareholders who own more than 50% can pass a motion at a company meeting regardless of the views of other shareholders. If a shareholder(s) owns more than 75% of the shares, they...