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As part of our latest ‘Meet the Team’ feature, we sat down with Anne Ossel, an Associate Executive at Bevan Buckland LLP, to discuss Anne representing Wales in the recent World Cheerleading Championships, her recognition as part of the award-winning ‘Team Wales Adaptive Abilities’ and her future personal and professional goals.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Anne. I am 27 years old and have lived in Swansea my whole life. My parents are Dutch, and I attended a Welsh-medium school, so I grew up with three languages. I did ballet, jazz, and tap from a young age, then switched to competitive gymnastics. For most of my teens, I did competitive street dance. The skills I learned helped me progress quickly in cheerleading, which I started about three years ago with Swansea Falcons.

Q: How long have you been at Bevan Buckland, and what’s your current role?

I have been with Bevan Buckland for almost nine years. My current role is associate executive. I mainly prepare company accounts along with a number of other jobs, but I am now transitioning to an audit role.

Q: Can you describe your experience representing Team Wales Adaptive Abilities at the recent Cheerleading World Championships?

Being relatively new to cheerleading, I felt honoured to be chosen to join Team Wales Adaptive Abilities. The training was intense – to build strength, perfect our routines, and come together as a team in a matter of months. The support from our coaches, families and friends has been crucial.

Competing on a world stage was an unforgettable experience, exhilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time. I remember warming up with the team backstage, singing to Miley Cyrus’ “It’s the Climb” I felt a rush of pride and excitement the moment we stepped onto the mat!

The experience taught me valuable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and the power of inclusivity in sports.

Q: What was the most memorable moment for you during the competition?

There were many memorable moments, but one of the finest was at the awards ceremony when we held hands with everyone before being announced world champions in our category—it was electrifying!

Q: How did representing your country on such a prestigious platform feel?

It was such a proud and deeply moving experience to represent Wales. I consider myself Welsh at heart, and wearing the national colours and knowing we were ambassadors added to the sense of responsibility and honour. I think our performance truly showed our country’s strength, determination, and spirit!

The support from family and friends back home was so encouraging; it added to our energy and motivated us even more.

Q: How do you fit your training requirements around your work commitments?

I am known for my organisation. I use detailed schedules and allocate time for work, training, and personal time! I constantly review this and prioritise work tasks as needed so I can focus on training without worrying.

My passion for cheerleading and pride in my job motivates me to keep pushing forward. The rewards of achieving success in both areas are well worth it.

Q: Congratulations on being part of the team recently winning the ‘Contribution to Sport award at the recent Nation Radio Pride of Wales Awards. How did it feel to win this award, and how did it feel for you?

The award celebrates our achievements on a broader platform.

Winning this was another proud, incredibly uplifting moment. It felt like the culmination of all the hard work, dedication and passion our team has poured into cheerleading.

Getting this recognition is a testament to our effort to promote inclusivity in sports, particularly cheerleading, which is physically and mentally demanding.

Q: What skills or lessons from cheerleading do you apply in your job?

Cheerleading is a sport that requires coordination and trust among members. This translates directly to my job at Bevan Buckland, where teamwork and collaboration are essential to achieving common goals.

Cheerleading has helped my ability to communicate effectively and develop leadership skills.

My training schedule demands discipline and time management. The same skills help me juggle tasks and meet deadlines in my professional life.

Cheerleading fosters a positive attitude and high energy levels, which I also bring to my professional environment.

Cheerleading involves overcoming physical and mental challenges; it teaches resilience and perseverance. This mindset helps me navigate workplace challenges, stay focused under pressure and bounce back from setbacks.

The attention to detail that cheerleading demands is equally valuable in my job role.

Q: What are your future goals in cheerleading and in your professional career?

I recently finished my first year of coaching with the Swansea Falcons. I want to continue helping the younger athletes progress in their cheerleading, and hopefully, I will also see some of them perform on the world stage.

I want to progress in my new audit role and maybe use my cheerleading skills to manage and lead a staff team in the future.

I am working towards achieving my chartered accountant certification; this will be a priority over the next few years.

Q: Can you share any tips on how to handle the pressure of high-stakes competitions?

Staying calm with some breathing exercises helps a lot at times of pressure. This really helps me focus on what needs to be done, take in the moment, and enjoy it fully.