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Poor Exit Planning Putting Welsh SME Businesses at Risk

Poor Exit Planning Putting Welsh SME Businesses at Risk

Small business owners in Wales are putting their retirement pot at risk according to a leading insolvency expert. Alun Evans, Partner at Bevan Buckland LLP in Haverfordwest warns that business owners are gambling with the health of their firm, by making poor arrangements for the smooth sale of their business

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Business and industry challenges in filling job vacancies

Business and industry challenges in filling job vacancies

The government has published an analysis of UK businesses’ ability to fill job vacancies across different industries. Along with this, it provides a list of  reasons for any recruitment challenges. The data covers Summer 2021, primarily after COVID-19 restrictions were eased.

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Government Postpone Making Tax Digital for Income Tax to 2024/25

Government Postpone Making Tax Digital for Income Tax to 2024/25

Having listened to stakeholder feedback from businesses and the accounting profession, the government have announced that they are postponing Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) a year later than planned. Now, the government is introducing Making Tax Digital in the tax year beginning in April 2024.

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End of temporary insolvency measures

End of temporary insolvency measures

The temporary insolvency restrictions protections for commercial tenants are lifting as new measures are introduced. The Insolvency Service is announcing that they are phasing out temporary measures brought in during the pandemic from 1 October.

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Creative Wales Development Fund

Creative Wales Development Fund

The Creative Wales Development Fund includes two strands focusing on supporting projects within the TV and digital content sectors.  This includes funding for games, animation, Createch and creative services too. This Fund is also aiming towards Wales based businesses that develop content, products and services in the Creative Industries. However, this Fund does not intend to support projects in the wider tech sector.

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Audience of the Future funding for early-stage projects

Audience of the Future funding for early-stage projects

Apply for a share of up to £800,000 for early-stage, human-centred design projects in creative experiences. Innovate UK, as part of UK Research and Innovation, will invest up to £800,000 to fund early-stage, human-centred design projects through the Audience of the Future Challenge Fund.

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Gender Pay Gap – Reporting deadline for larger employers approaching

Gender Pay Gap – Reporting deadline for larger employers approaching

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is also providing a guide on doing an equal pay audit for larger organisations. The guide provides a step-by-step approach and useful templates to do an equal pay audit as well. Furthermore, it is designed to make it easy for larger businesses to examine their pay systems and decrease the risk of an equal pay claim.

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