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Pension Scams

The Pensions Regulator has launched a new campaign to warn people of the dangers of being enticed into

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SMART Grants

A grant scheme which offers funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to engage in R&D projects in the strategically important areas of science, engineering and technology.

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The ISA just got NISA

Following the announcements in this year’s Budget, the 1st July 2014 sees the launch of the latest version of tax-efficient savings vehicles, the New Individual Savings Account (or NISA), writes Gareth Tregidon, Financial Planning Manager at Bevan & Buckland Chartered Accountants.

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R&D Tax Relief – Budget change

The Government announced a change to the R&D tax relief scheme earlier today, which will increase the amount of tax free cash that loss making companies can claim from HMRC under the SME scheme.

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Strategic Report and Directors’ Report

The Companies Act 2006 has been changed, accounts for medium and large companies ending on or after 30 September 2013 with require a strategic report to be included within the directors’ report in your statutory financial statements.

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