With this handy reference guide to starting a business, you should be able to successfully handle many of the problems encountered in starting and running a business. Always remember to seek professional advice in areas that you are not sure about. The benefits will far outweigh the cost. Good luck!
It is the ambition of many people to run their own business. With the Coronavirus pandemic this dream has become a reality for some who have been made redundant, whilst others may decide to start up in business to be more independent and to obtain the full financial reward for their efforts.
Whatever the reason for considering setting up in business, a number of dangers exist.
A major concern must be the risk of business failure despite considerable effort and finance having
been put into the venture. Time spent in making the decision and thinking through your plans will minimise the risk of failure.
Think carefully about ceasing to be someone else’s employee. Certainty of income, both in terms of quantity and regularity, disappears; whilst fixed outgoings such as mortgage repayments, remain. Similarly, other benefits of employment may be lost, such as life assurance cover, a company pension, medical insurance, a company car, regular hours and holidays.
Consider the views of your family and friends. Their support is essential. It is important they understand that the administrative and financial requirements of running a business can be time consuming and stressful.
Success in business depends on many factors; most important is the need to critically review all aspects of the business proposition before progressing too far.
This kit highlights many of the practical points that require consideration before trading begins. It cannot cater for every possibility and decisions should be supported by appropriate professional advice.
For information of users:
This kit is published for information only. It provides only an overview of the regulations in force at the date of publication, and no action should be taken without consulting the detailed legislation or seeking professional advice from a partner or senior member of this firm.
No responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material contained in this kit can be accepted by the partners of the firm.